Draper Winter HVAC Prep: Tune-Up, Filters, Debris

winter HVAC tune-up filters

As the cold Utah winter fast approaches, homeowners and residents around the state are looking to ensure that their homes will be kept warm and comfortable this year. This may involve a few different areas of heating and air system upkeep or maintenance, and addressing these before the major cold season hits is very important. 

At Green Line Heating & Air, we’re here to help. We provide comprehensive HVAC maintenance services to clients in Draper and nearby parts of Utah, from heating and furnace repair or installation to AC solutions, thermostat assistance and more. Whether on your own or with help from our team wherever needed, let’s use this two-part blog series to go over the basic areas you should be covering to ensure your HVAC system is set for the upcoming winter.

Furnace Tune-Up

If you haven’t already scheduled and carried out a basic tune-up of your furnace through our team, you’re already behind here — but it’s not too late! We recommend scheduling a tune-up at least once per year, if not twice, and starting this now or otherwise very soon is always best.

In general, these tune-ups are ideal in the “transitional” seasons, such as late summer, fall and early spring, but we can still help you with maintenance if you’re coming to us in the winter. This will generally involve a thorough cleaning of your furnace and its parts, checking for any potential issues or cracks, tightening connections and more. Of course, this is also a great time to address any other issues your furnace may be having, such as problems with its pilot light or making strange noises.  

Change Your Filters

One area that’s important throughout the year, but takes on increased importance in the winter, is your AC’s air filters. This is especially true if you have pets or are a smoker. These filters will tend to get clogged with dust and other particles over time, and this makes it harder for your system to circulate the air effectively. This means that your furnace has to work harder, which can lead to increased energy bills and more.

Furnace Cleaning and Debris Removal

Because your furnace has been sitting unused for months, it’s also crucial to remove any debris that could have gotten into the system. This will include things like paper and dust if it was left uncovered in your attic or garage, but you can also address bugs or other pests that may have taken shelter in there as well. To do this, turn off your furnace and make sure it’s cool before you begin.  

Using a brush, vacuum or other tool, carefully remove any particles or materials that can be cleaned out of the system. Many furnaces have some sort of “air intake,” which is a small vent near the bottom — this will be ideal to clean since it typically has fewer areas for debris to collect, and also offers a way for you to make sure this part is as clean as possible. Once that’s complete, turn your furnace back on and see if the system works properly or not — if it doesn’t, call us right away so we can diagnose the problem further.

In part two of our series, we’ll go over some further concepts to consider here. For more on how to prep your HVAC system for winter, or to learn about any of our other heating and air services in Draper or surrounding areas, speak to our team at Green Line Heating & Air today.